15 steps of the mindup program
15 steps of the mindup program

15 steps of the mindup program

Lessons have a dual focus on humans and animals. Lessons are organized around 5 themes: resiliency, self-awareness, social-awareness, problem-solving, and team building. This program promotes social and emotional competence, academic achievement, and awareness of the needs of shelter pets, also known as Mutt-i-grees. The Mutt-i-grees Curriculum includes lesson plans and strategies to actively engage students.MindUp is based upon four strategic pillars: grounded in neuroscience activated by mindful awareness inspired by positive psychology and a catalyst for social-emotional learning. Lesson topics include gratitude, mindfulness, and perspective taking. MindUp is a 15 lesson program for Pre-K to 8th grade students.This program can be used weekly in classes, as a stand alone curriculum, as an after-school program, or as a drug, alcohol, and tobacco awareness program. This curriculum includes comprehensive lessons, digital resources, a student journal, and resources to promote home-school collaboration. Lions Quest is a K-12 social emotional learning program that focuses on character education, service learning, positive behavior, and drug, tobacco, and alcohol awareness.Aligned assessments to measure social-emotional growth are also provided. Lesson bundles, including instructional activities and student workbooks with 20+ hours of instruction, designed for middle and high school students, are available to teach Assertiveness, Conflict Management, Self-Efficacy, and Self-Regulation. A complementary curriculum for families is available to teach and reinforce concepts taught at school. Scripted lessons are designed to be delivered two to three times a week and include games, role-play, and puppet experiences. ICPS is a evidence based universal primary prevention program designed for students in grades Pre-K-6 to develop interpersonal cognitive problem-solving skills.Weekly lessons use evidence-based instructional techniques that support and engage all types of learners. The CKCC program is a school wide program designed for grades Pre-K-5 whose intent is to develop competent kids within the context of caring communities through building social-emotional competence and strengthening home-school partnerships.Lessons are designed around specific character traits such as attentiveness, compassion, determination, flexibility, loyalty, obedience, and many others. The Character First program is designed for grades Pre-K-5 and provides comprehensive lessons that include activities, games, discussion, and projects.This program utilizes cross-age buddies and promotes collaboration between home, school, and the community. The CSC program is a K-6 grade program that focuses on building a classroom and school wide community while developing social emotional skills and competencies.The 4Rs Program (Reading, Writing, Respect & Resolution) integrates social and emotional learning (SEL) and the language arts for pre-kindergarten to middle school.Please see Navigating SEL From the Inside Out: Looking Inside and Across 25 Leading SEL Programs: A Practical Resource for Schools and OST Providers (Elementary School Focus) for detailed information on each program. Below are links to many of the 25 programs. ".recent research has demonstrated that high-quality, evidence-based social and emotional learning (SEL) programs produce positive outcomes for students, including improved behavior, attitudes, and academic performance" (Durlak et al., 2011).Ĭommissioned by the Wallace Foundation, 25 leading social emotional learning (SEL) and character education programs were analyzed by a research team at Harvard Graduate School of Education. Social Emotional Programs to Support Social Competencies in all students

15 steps of the mindup program